Nicoleta Roman
Nicoleta Roman (PhD) is a researcher at ‘Nicolae Iorga’ Institute of History (Romanian Academy) and New Europe College-Institute for Advanced Study, Bucharest, Romania. Following her PhD thesis on women in nineteenth century Wallachia (published in 2016), she started exploring two research fields important for Romanian and South-Eastern Europe: childhood history and welfare systems. Nicoleta Roman continued to work extensively on women, especially in relation to law and property regimes (dowry), economy, education, migration and philanthropy. She was awarded two postdoctoral grants (national and international), she participated in national and European projects and research networks and she also organised scientific events relevant to her areas of expertise, which include cultural and social history; women, family and childhood history; microhistory and history of pre(modern) Romania and South-Eastern Europe. Nicoleta Roman was co-leader of WG3 (2020-2022) and is coordinator of the Across Europe, from early modern to present times. Migrant women and their unknown success stories WEMov project.
Member of the editing team of the series Călători străini despre țările române în secolul al XIX-lea [Foreign Travellers about the Romanian Countries in the Nineteenth Century] (2007-2020), Nicoleta Roman has published extensively in international and national peer-review journals and collective volumes. Recent publications include: « With a Homeland, but Without Parents. Romania’s Orphans and Welfare System During and After World War I », in Contemporanea, 4/2020: 541-571; « Educating the Other: Foreign Governesses in Wallachia in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century », in Aspasia, 14 (2020): 37-56; « Starting a Married Life. Women and Goods in the Mid-Nineteenth Century Romanian Towns of Pitești and Câmpulung », in Annette Cremer (ed.), Gender, Law and Material Culture. Immobile Property and Mobile Goods in Early Modern Europe, Routledge, 2020: 239-262.
Visit Nicoleta Roman’s academic webpages here and here, as well as her personal webpage and profile.
Contact Nicoleta Roman at