Nina Drejerska
Nina Drejerska (PhD) is Associate professor and works as a researcher and an academic teacher at the Institute of Economics and Finance, Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW). Her main research interests include regional development, labor economics, and business models in agri-business. She has been a supervisor of Bachelor’s and Master’s theses, co-supervisor of one PhD thesis, and reviewer for two. She provides lectures on research methodology for the SGGW Doctoral school. Nina Drejerska did about twenty international teaching and research mobilities, including a Visiting professorship at the University of Foggia. She has twenty years of experience in analysis and reporting on economic and business issues. She has been involved in twelve international projects (e.g. Erasmus+, COST actions) and a number of research projects commissioned by national government units. As a result, she has published over 90 original papers (e.g. Studies in Agricultural Economics, British Food Journal) and book chapters, as well as two books. She has been a reviewer (e.g. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics, Journal of the Knowledge Economy, Open Agriculture, Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management) and a guest co-editor (e.g. British Food Journal, Economia agro-alimentare) for a number of international journals as well as an editor and co-editor of three monographs.
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