Paolo Ruspini
Paolo Ruspini (MA Pol. Sci., PhD, Milan) has been researching international and European migration and integration since 1997 with a comparative approach and by drawing on mixed methods. He has been Associate Professor at the Department of Education Science, Roma Tre University since November 2021. He is also Associate Researcher at the Institute of Sociological Research (IRS), Geneva School of Social Science, University of Geneva, and Honorary Research Fellow at the Department of Social Sciences, University of Roehampton. Recent publications include « Transnationalism » (Peter Lang, 2021), Migrants Unbound (Transnational Press London, 2019), Migration and Transnationalism Between Switzerland and Bulgaria (co-editor, Springer, 2017).
Visit Paolo Ruspini’s institutional webpage, his webpage at Roma Tre University, his personal webpage as well as his LinkedIn page.
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