Petko Hristov
Petko Hristov is a PhD in Ethnology, and Associate Professor at the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research, the Ethnographic Museum, and the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Over the past few years, his main scholarly interests have involved labour migrations in the Balkans; women’s mobility; the construction of social networks among trans-border migrants; family and kinship; the construction of identity with the help of culture and traditional religiousness; border studies; anthropology of religion; and political anthropology. He is a member of several international scholarly networks and research projects.
Petko Hristov is author of the book Community and Celebrations. The Sluzba, Slava, Sabor and Kourban in South Slavic Villages in the First Half of 20 Century (Sofia: Ethnographic Institute with Museum, 2004), awarded for best academic achievement in Humanities from the Union of Bulgarian Scientists in 2007. He is editor of the proceedings collections “Migration and Identity: Historical, Cultural and Linguistic Dimensions of Mobility in the Balkans” (Sofia: Paradigma, 2012), and “Balkan Migration Culture: historical and contemporary cases form Bulgaria and Macedonia” (Sofia: Ethnographic Institute with Museum, 2010), and co-editor of the edited volume Kurban in the Balkans (Belgrade: Institute for Balkan Studies, 2007, co-edited with Biljana Sikimić), Labour Migrations in the Balkans (München-Berlin: Verlag Otto Sagner, 2012, co-edited with Biljana Sikimić and Biljana Golubović) and Contextualizing Changes: Migration, Shifting Borders and New Identities in Eastern Europe (Sofia: Paradigma, 2015, co-edited with Anelia Kassabova, Evgenia Troeva and Dagnoslaw Demski). He has published over 150 articles in a number of international and national peer-reviewed journals and collections in renowned scholarly series.
Visit Petko Hristov’s institution’s website and his personal webpage.
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