Petra Ezzeddine
Petra Ezzeddine PhD., is a social anthropologist and an assistant professor at the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Faculty of Humanities, Charles University in Prague. Her research focuses on migration, transnational care practices, globalization of care, ageing in migration and applied anthropology.
She is a Research Fellow in the research program Global Conflicts and Local Interactions (Strategy AV21) at the Czech Academy of Sciences. She is a member of the editorial board for the disciplinary journal Gender a výzkum (Gender and Research).
She has participated in several international EU funded research projects: in 2012-2014 European Social Founds: Equal Opportunities in Front of Czech Households (research on female migrant domestic workers), in 2014-2016 Norway Grants with University of Bergen (Norway): Women on the Sidelines (research on ageing in migration: female refugees from ex-Yougoslavia 50+). In 2020-2021, she became a co-leader of the starting grant ACES (University of Amsterdam-together with Dr. Kristine Krause): Transnational care landscapes in Central Europe: Privatization, marketization and overlapping mobilities in elderly care.
Throughout her academic career, she has been active in advocacy on gender, care and migration. She cooperates closely with several Czech and Slovak non-governmental and international organizations working with migrant women and migrant domestic workers (SIMI Praha, META o.p.s, IOM office Prague, PICUM Brussels, ILO Brussels).
Visit Petra Ezzeddine’s institution’s webpage.
Contact Petra Ezzeddine at