Selma Smajlović
Selma Smajlović (PhD) is an assistant professor at the Department of Management, Faculty of Economics, University in Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). She was awarded a Golden Award of the University in Tuzla. Her professional development was conducted in Croatia (Master’s degree in entrepreneurship) and Slovenia. Her main research field focus on impact of managerial and entrepreneurial competencies, technological innovation, and business model innovation on the company’s success performances. Notable engagements include research on women’s entrepreneurship, the position of women in management and leadership, gender representation in general in society, business. She has been engaged as an expert and/or researcher on several international and national projects funded by EU Commission, UNDP, USAID. As GEM (Global Monitor Entreprenauship) national team member, she participated in research which includes the position of women in starting and running businesses. She was engaged on project of identifing obstacles for the development of women’s entrepreneurship in the function of reducing unemployment in BiH. As leader of the project SEECEL on behalf of the University of Tuzla, she gained the Award for the University in Tuzla a “Entrepreneurial University”.
Selma Smajlović has published in international a national peer-review journal and conferences. Among her recent work : “A New Proposition of Business Model Innovation : Anteceding Managerial Competencies”(ENTRENOVA 2021, Zagreb, research paper was awarded as best Methodological Paper), “Rodne razlike u namjerama bavljenja poduzetništvom, politikom i volonerskim radom studenata poslovne ekonomije” (in Zbornik radova of 5th South-East European (SEE) meeting & scientific conference of management, pp. 256-263).
Visit Selma Smajlović’s institutional webpage.
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