Sónia Ferreira
Sónia Ferreira holds a doctorate in Cultural and Social Anthropology (2009) from the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal), where she is Assistant professor in the Anthropology department. She is a research fellow at CRIA (Center for Research in Anthropology) where she develops the project ‘(Re) Counting the empire: post-colonial narratives and media production in the Portuguese and Cape Verdean diaspora’ (DL 57/2016 / CP1349 / CT0007) (2018) and she coordinates the European project ‘# Ecos. Exiles, to counter silence: memories, objects and narratives from uncertain times’ (2019), funding Europe for Citizens. Since 2020 she has been the co-coordinator of WG4 ‘Family, kinship and community networks’ of COST Action ‘Women on the Move’ (CA19112).
Since 2018 she has been co-coordinator of the Research Group ‘Circulation and Production of Places’ (CRIA) and since 2014 the ‘Groupe de travail Migrations dans les mondes lusophones: identités, altérités et circulations’ (URMIS – Université de Paris).
She is also a research fellow at the Emigration Observatory (Portugal) and member of the executive board of ABRE – Association of Brasilianists in Europe.
Visit Sónia Ferreira’s institutional webpage
Contact Sónia Ferreira at sonia.ferreira@fcsh.unl.pt