Tamilla Sahin
Tamilla Sahin is a PhD candidate from Bursa Uludag University (Türkiye), Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations and she is a project assistant in the « Migration » priority area determined within the scope of YOK (Higher Education Council) 100/2000 program. Her research interests include immigration, women migration, Meskhetian Turks and their social issues. In this context, her Ph.D. thesis is based on the analysis of the Labour Market Participation and Integration of Meskhetian (Ahıska) Turkish Women. She is involved in a research Project “Crossing Borders, Building Walls. Towards Ethnography Of Russian War Mobilisation” at the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences. In addition she tokes research project on the “Situation Of Migrant Women İn The Labor Market” within the scope of the Scientific Research Project (BAP). She has given presentations at international conferences on immigrations issues. Tamilla has an advanced level of Russian and Turkish languages.
Visit Tamilla’s institutional webpage HERE, as well as her personal webpage HERE.
Follow Tamilla on Twitter @TamillaDamla
Contact Tamilla at tamilla@uludag.edu.tr