Tatjana Šarić
Tatjana Šarić graduated in history and Czech language and literature at the University of Zagreb. She earned her Master’s degree and PhD on topics related to twentieth-century Croatian history. She works at the Croatian State Archives (CSA) as a senior archivist and senior research associate. The subject of her scientific interest is contemporary Croatian history in the period of socialism. She has been engaged in several research projects, among others, Croatian Immigration. She is a co-author of the exhibition and catalogue Croatian Emigration in the CSA funds and collections and author of several papers for the edition Immigration – Guide to Funds and Collections of the CSA. She is a member of the Editorial Board of the Arhivski vjesnik (Archival Journal) and editor-in-chief of the magazine Fontes: izvori za hrvatsku povijest (Fontes: sources for Croatian history). She is the author of a monograph U vrtlogu komunizma: mladi Hrvatske 1945. – 1954 (In the Vortex of Communism: the Youth of Croatia 1945-1954) and editor of three volumes books Zapisnici Izvršnog komiteta Centralnog komiteta Saveza komunista Hrvatske 1959.-1965 (Minutes of the Executive Committee of the Central Committee of the League of Communists of Croatia 1959-1965). Tatjana Šarić wrote numerous research papers and also actively participated in domestic and international conferences.
Visit Tatjana Šarić’s institution’s website and her personal webpage on Linkedin.
Contact Tatjana Šarić at tsaric@arhiv.hr.