Valérie Icard
Valérie Icard completed her PhD, which deals with prison issues, in political science in January 2022 (University Paris-Saclay, CESDIP Research group). Her thesis focuses on the reconfigurations of policing in prisons through the analysis of the professional practices of officers and the prison experiences of prisoners in four penitentiary institutions in France and Spain. She has an expert knowledge of sociological survey methods (ethnographic observations, interviews and questionnaire surveys). She started recently a new research project which studies the situation of foreign prisoners, the issues related to their professional care and those related to access to rights. Alongside this research, she is involved in a number of scientific projects, including the co-organisation of an interdisciplinary seminar entitled « gender and prison », supported by the MSH Paris-Saclay. This seminar is a space for discussion and analysis of recent research on the prison and penal field from a gender perspective.
Check Valérie Icard’s institutional webpage.
Contact Valérie Icard at valerie.icard@cesdip.fr