Yafa El Masri
Yafa El Masri is currently a PhD Candidate in Geographic Studies, at the Department of Historical and Geographic Sciences and the Ancient World, at the University of Padua. She has obtained her MSc in Local Development from the same department, and her diploma in Social Sciences from the Galilean school of higher education in 2019. Her current research tackles community-based development and grassroots cooperation in Lebanon’s Palestinian refugee camps. She has recently published « Decolonizing education in Bourj Albarajenah: cosmologies of a Palestinian refugee camp » (2022); « 72 Years of Homemaking in Waiting Zones: Lebanon’s “Permanently Temporary” Palestinian Refugee Camps » (2020)
She is currently assigned as an Expert on the Matter of refugees at the University of Turin, and as a co-leader of WG1 of COST Action Decolonizing Development.
Visit Yafa El Masri’s institutional webpage as well as her LinkedIn webpage.
Contact Yafa El Masri at yafa.elmasri@phd.unipd.it
Follow Yafa El Masri on Twitter @yafa_masri