News from WG1
By Joana Pujades Mora (Open University of Catalonia, Spain)
WG1 has been progressing in its main task of compiling the information needed to complete our repository on primary sources. Thanks to the territorial organization of the members of the group distributed among North, South, East and West Europe, important progress has been made in the compilation of primary sources. At the same time, we have built a small help manual with the definition of the most complicated fields of the repository, i.e. those fields in which doubts of interpretation had been expressed both in our July meeting and in the September meeting, on the occasion of our first physical meeting. In fact, in November 2021 we already have information from 25 countries for 108 different sources. Our next step will be to transfer all this information collected for the repository into a dynamic map on our website. On this map, individual descriptions of each of the sources collected will be shown as individual cards. However, we have noticed that not all the sources collected have a title in English, which is essential given the purpose of the repository.
Although our repository is well underway, we are convinced that more sources from countries already represented or from other countries not yet represented can be added. Thank you for your work, the repository is a collective effort, thank you very much!
And last but not least, we are preparing a meeting of our group in June in Poland. Stay tuned for more information.
News from WG2
By Veronika Čapská (Charles University, Czech Republic) , Pirita Frigren (University of Pori) & Bénédicte Miyamoto (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle)
Working Group 2 organized its meeting and panel Memory of Female Migration for the 1st WEMov annual meeting (Budapest, Hungary, 6–10 September 2021) which both took place in hybrid format. On 22 October 2021, the WG 2 co-leaders, Pirita Frigren and Veronika Čapská, held an in-person meeting in Prague in order to discuss and coordinate the preparation of WG2 meeting and workshop which will be connected with a walking tour covering, among other places, the medieval Jewish cemeteries in Prague as gendered diasporic spaces (cf. the image of the monument commemorating the Jewish cemetery in the New Town of Prague which was established relatively recently, between 2015-2016, in a rare repurposing of a centrally located historical site which would otherwise serve commercial aims). Working group 2 co-leader Benédicte Miyamoto has proceeded with editing the register of Migrant Women Landmarks. More register data from Working Group 2 members and their students are awaited. Our next online meeting has been scheduled for the 24 of January 2022 between 1 and 2. 30 pm (Paris time).

News from WG3
By Nicoleta Roman (Nicolae Iorga Institute of History, Bucharest, Romania) & Beatrice Zucca (Cambridge University, UK)
WG3 was present at the 1st WEMov’s annual event through a WG3 meeting and a panel entitled « Women, economic migration, and the law », both in hybrid format (online & in Budapest) on 8 September and 9 September. With the great help of Nina Drejerska both the meeting and the panel could be managed on situ. The panel was followed by a discussion on co-publishing and opened the possibility of a MOOC. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) refers to free online courses open for enrolment of everyone, exploring the interplay between migration and gender throughout history and contemporary times. The platform will be hosted by Unversité de Paris. We encourage COST members to join this initiative and collaborate on various topics. For proposals, please contact the WG3 leaders.
The first series Women on the Move from Manchester University Press was already launched. More information can be found here. The second series will focus on gender and migration. Monographs and edited volumes based on original, pathbreaking and well-documented research are welcome for both series.
Across Europe, from early modern to present time. Migrant women and their unknown success stories (Unknown stories project). The book aims to highlight the crucial role played by unknown migrant women who made important contributions in various domains such as art, education, culture, economy, welfare etc. in their receiving country. Members who are interested can contact both co-leaders.
News from WG4
By Sónia Ferreira (Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia, Lisbon, Portugal) & Miguel Oliveros Mediavilla (Universidad Antonio de Nebrija, Madrid, Spain)
At WG4, we started the filming and editing process of the visual material gathered in the previous months. We defined a set of rules and recommendations for editing and subtitling -the open structured interviews-, as well as explaining the thematic and diachronic organization of the content presentation. Before the Christmas holidays, we will have available on the website some image clips/teasers with biopics of migrant women, that will eventually be integrated in the interactive map. Now more than ever, we need WEMov’s members to support this joint venture. Members who are willing or are able to make visual records, to join this common effort and creative processes.