News from WG1
By Tatjana Šarić (Croatian State Archives, Zagreb, Croatia) & Katelin Marit Parsons (Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies, Reykjavík, Iceland)
Working Group 1 continues to successfully collect data on primary sources on migrant women in European archives and libraries and create a catalogue. Currently, the catalogue contains over 700 entries, which is the collective result of the work of the WG1 members and all WEMov members who participated in online transcribathons or independently entered new primary sources into our catalogue. Also, preparations are underway to put the catalogue online, which is expected very soon. In addition to searching for new primary sources, WG1 members are also working on creating biocards for representative collections of each heritage institution, which are published on an interactive online map on the WEMov website. So far, we have 146 collections on the map.
At the end of March, Working Group 1 met in Krakow, Poland, where our member Mateusz Wyżga from the Institute of History and Archives of the Pedagogical University in Krakow hosted us. We had a fruitful working meeting and a transcribathon where we collected many new entries.
WG 1 is also discussing plans and future steps within the group at regular monthly online meetings, and one of the following goals is to write a joint paper that would be offered to the ORE platform. The paper will deal with the challenges and difficulties in researching archival records on women and migration in archives, based on the experiences of WG1 members in their previous work in this action.
In the last quarter, WG1 welcomed two new members – Faika Celik from Turkey and Lusine Sargsyan from Armenia. We are happy that they became part of the team!
News from WG2
By Fiona Bakas (Universidade Lusófona, Lisbon, Portugal), Heidi Martins (Centre de Documentation sur les Migrations Humaines, Dudelange, Luxembourg) & Livia Prosinger (Institute of Political History, Budapest, Hungary)
Working Group 2 continues to be busy collecting landmarks commemorating women migrants for the Landmark Map on the WEMov website. Having reached 1000 Landmarks in February 2023, now WG2 members are focusing on creating entries for monuments devoted to female migrants in a number of countries like Cyprus, Lithuania and Norway that are underrepresented in WEMov’s landmark map.
Since March, WG2 has been putting their efforts into discussing and creating a joint publication relating to the female migrant landmark dataset. Benedicte Miyamoto has been leading this process, creating an abstract which has been submitted and accepted for inclusion in Open Research Europe’s Women on the Move collection.
Inspired by WEMov’s WG2 in-person meeting in Dudelange, Luxembourg (24-25 April 2023), the Documentation Centre on Human Migrations (CDMH) held an entire exhibition called “Femmes en migration. Portraits croisés d’ici et d’ailleurs [Women on the Move. Crossed portraits from here and elsewhere]” in which WEMov’s work is presented (posters and film-documentary) together with the archives (documents, pictures and objects) collected by the CDMH on Dudelange’s migration history for the past 25 years. Exhibition is open to the public from 24th May- 31st July, 2023. More information on the CDMH exhibition here and here.
News from WG3
By Selma Smajlović (University in Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina) & Nina Drejerska (Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Warsaw, Poland)
Working Group 3 meetings took place on 31 March 31 (online) 27-28 April (in-person) and 26 May 2023 (online). We worked on gathering datasets on women and migration in the Register of datasets, its verification and uploading the data files. One of the main data sources on female migration are national statistical offices, so the focus of WG3 is to complete the Register of Statistical offices around Europe. In the next period, WG3 will create a map of Statistical offices available online.
The Datasets transcribathon took place on 17 March via Zoom, and resulted in a significant increase in data sources registered and data collected by all network members. We now have 180 datasets entries in the Register and over 90 databases, which represent a valuable source on women migration datasets. We look forward to gathering again on 27 June 2023, when Datasets transcribathon for WG3 members is planned.
We welcome our latest members Mary Grace Vella, Irena Selišnik and Neja Blaj Hribar.
The next WG3 meetings are scheduled via Zoom on 27 June 2023, 29 September, 27 October, 23 November and 15 December 2023.
News from WG4
By Stellamarina Donato (LUMSA University of Rome, Italy)
Working Group 4 is currently focused on two main projects: the “Map of Interviews” and the “Objects of Migration.” Through these initiatives, we aim to encapsulate the diverse stories and challenges faced by migrant women. Currently, our map features 17 interviews, and we continue to add new interviews on a regular basis, ensuring a comprehensive representation of their experiences.
The second project, “Objects of Migration” focuses on collecting stories, pictures, and videos related to significant objects in the immigration narratives of migrants. To date, we have gathered captivating stories about approximately 25 objects that hold immense significance to their journeys. These objects will be showcased in an online and interactive exposition, providing a captivating platform for viewers to explore and engage with these migration stories.
Through these projects, we strive to shed light on the rich tapestry of women’s migration experiences in Europe, fostering understanding and appreciation for their unique perspectives.
As a working group, we maintain regular monthly meetings. Before the summer break, our focus is to expand the representation of COST countries on our “Map of Interviews” and make progress with the “Objects of Migration” project. Stay tuned for more updates!