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Interview of Marta (from Ukraine to Poland) 

    Find out more on women migrants across Europe with our documentary available HERE

    Marta (aged 24) left Ukraine in 2015 to Poland. 

    Marta comes from Odessa, south of Ukraine. She migrated to Poland to study thanks to a scholarship from the Polish government. She worked as a Disabled Assistant at the University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw.

    During her interview, she declares that when she left to Poland, she left everything behind. She left with two suitcases. Her parents, grandmother and relatives remained in Odessa. At first, she regularly traveled back to Odessa during holidays or term breaks. She stayed for a week or two to visit her family and friends, but as years went by, she travelled back less and less often.

    For her, the object that best represents her migration experience is a jewel: a necklace with pendent cross and violin.

    Interview conducted by Edyta Januszewska on 15.06.2022 in Warsaw, Poland

    To cite this interview, Januszewska, Edyta (16 June 2022). Interview of Marta (from Ukraine to Poland). Warsaw, Poland (length: 1.09 mn).