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Teresa (aged 73) left Portugal in 1970 to France.
At the age of sixteen, Teresa migrated from her village of origin, in the Portuguese countryside, to Lisbon as she was having health problems. In Lisbon she worked as a maid until moved to France (Grenoble) when she was 21 years old, in 1970.
During her interview, she declares that she took part in actions against human exploitation, fascism and in favour of sex equality.
For her, the object that best represents her migration experience is a newspaper.
Interview conducted by Sónia Ferreira on 02/12/2021 in Monte da Caparica, Portugal
To cite this interview, Ferreira, Sónia (2 December 2021). Interview of Teresa (from Portugal to France). Monte da Caparica, Portugal (length: 3mn).