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Library María Teresa León (Cádiz, Spain)

    María Teresa León Goyri (b. Logroño, Spain, 1903 – d. 1988, Madrid, Spain) was a writer, activist and cultural ambassador. She belonged to the so-called Generation of ’27. She contributed numerous articles in different newspapers and published Memoria de la Melancolía, Cuentos para soñar and La bella del mal amor, among others. She traveled to Berlin, Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, Norway and the Soviet Union meeting the so-called « Revolutionary writers ». In 1933 María and Alberti founded the journal Octubre and in 1934 she returned to the Soviet Union to attend the « First Congress of Soviet Writers » where she met Maxim Gorki, André Malraux and Erwin Piscator among others. Later that year she went to the United States to raise funds for the workers affected by the October 1934 Asturian miners’ revolt.

    More on Wikipedia. Visit the Insituto Cervantes website:

    Address: Av. de Menesteo, 16, 11500 El Puerto de Sta María, Cádiz, Spain