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Library named after Nermin Abadan Unat (Ankara, Turkey)

    Nermin Abadan Unat (b. Vienna, Austria, 1921 – ) is an academician, professor, political sociologist, translator, communication scientist, and writer.She moved to Turkey when she was 14 years old. In 1953, she moved to the United States with the Fulbright Scholarship for her postgraduate education at the University of Minnesota. In 1953, she started working as an assistant professor at Ankara University in the Faculty of Political Sciences. She is a Turkish academician, lawyer, sociologist, writer, and a professor at Boğaziçi University. She studies Turkish immigration, as well as women’s rights in Turkey. From 1978 to 1980, she was a member of the Senate of Turkey.

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    Address: Kırkkonaklar, 329. Cadde No:16, 06610 Çankaya/Ankara, Türkiye