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Park named after Violette Silberstein (Rennes, France)

    Violette Silberstein (b. Petroșani, Romania, 1925 – d. 2014, Paris, France) was born into a family of Hungarian Jews. She arrived in France at the age of 3. Her family settled in Boulogne-sur-Mer, then in Le Havre. At 14, she experienced exodus. She left with her family to Paris, then Lille. Deported to Auschwitz, she became part of the Auschwitz Women’s Orchestra.  Following the war, the violinist took to singing and performed in cabarets. In 2005 she published an autobiography for children with Yves Pinguilly, entitled Les sanglots longs des violons (Long sobs of violins). The work was adapted to theatre in 2009.

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    Address: Jardin Violette Jacquet-Siberstein, Rennes