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Promenade named after Carmen Sylva (Opatija, Croatia)

    Elisabeth of Wied (b. Neuwied, Duchy of Nassau, 1843 – d. 1916, Bucharest, Kingdom of Romania), was born in Germany and moved to Romania to become the first Queen of Romania as the wife of King Carol I. She was a prolific writer under the name of Carmen Sylva. In the Russo-Turkish War of 1877–1878, she devoted herself to the care of the wounded, and founded the Decoration of the Cross of Queen Elisabeth to reward distinguished service in such work. She fostered the higher education of women in Romania, founded the National Society for the Blind and was the first royal patron of the Romanian Red Cross.

    More on Wikipedia.

    Address: Šetalište Carmen Sylve, 51410, Opatija, Croatia