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Square named after Elizabeth Dmitrief (Paris, France)

    Elizaveta Tomanovskaya (b. Volok, Russian Empire,1850 or 1851- d. between 1910 and 1918, Russia) known as Elisabeth Dmitrieff, was a Russian revolutionary and feminist activist, Being born out of wedlock and her mother’s German nationality marginalised her within aristocratic circles, which boosted her interest in Marxism. She married to escape her family and study in Geneva, where she co-edited La Cause du peuple and helped found the Russian section of the International Workers’ Association. Sent by Karl Marx to Paris to follow events after the proclamation of the Paris Commune on 18 March 1871, she founded the Women’s Union, the first association to promote women’s rights, particularly decent working conditions in France. She then fled to Geneva and finally returned to Russia. In 1877, she followed her husband into exile in Siberia when he was convicted of fraud and murder. The date of her death is uncertain.

    More on Wikipedia.

    Address: Place Elizabeth Dmitrief 75003 Paris, France