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Square named after Mother Teresa (Skopje, N. Macedonia) 

    Mother Teresa, originally Agnesa Gondža Bojadži (b. Skopje, Macedonia, Ottoman Empire, 1910 – d. 1997, Calcutta, India), was a Catholic missionary and humanitarian, winner of many awards, including the Nobel Peace Prize (1979) and the UNESCO Peace Prize (1992). She was born in Skopje, finished high school there, and left after her father Nikola’s death. She joined the “Loreto Sisters” order in Bengal, taught at “St. Mary’s High School” in Calcutta (1931–1948), and established the order « Missionaries of Charity » (1950). After her death, she was canonized, and received the title of Blessed Mother Teresa. On 4 September 2016, she was canonized by the Catholic Church as Saint Teresa of Calcutta. The Mother Teresa Square in Skopje opened in 2015.

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    Address: Ploštad “Majka Tereza”, Skopje, N. Macedonia