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Street dedicated to Eliza Orzeszkowa (Warsaw, Poland)

    Eliza Orzeszkowa (born 1841, Milkowszczyzna, Russian Empire – died 1910, Grodno, Russian Empire (now Belarus) was a Polish novelist and a leading writer of the Positivism movement during foreign Partitions of Poland. From 1852 to 1857, she lived in Warsaw, where she attended school. Orzeszkowa wrote a series of 30 novels and 120 powerful sketches, dramas and novellas, dealing with the social conditions of her occupied country. Her most famous novel, Nad Niemnem (On the Niemen) was about the issues of Polish aristocracy against the backdrop of political and social order.

    A biography and picture are available on Wikipedia.

    Address: ul. Elizy Orzeszkowej, 02-374 Warsaw