Aletta Henriëtte Jacobs (b. Sappemeer, Netherlands, 1854 – d. 1929, Baarn, the Netherlands) was a Dutch physician and women’s suffrage activist. As the first woman to officially attend a Dutch university, she became one of the first female physicians in the Netherlands. In 1882, she founded the world’s first birth control clinic and was a leader in both the Dutch and international women’s movements. She led campaigns aimed at deregulating prostitution, improving women’s working conditions, promoting peace, and calling for women’s right to vote. She was successful in her campaign to establish mandatory break laws in retail workers’ employment and in attaining the vote for Dutch women in 1919. Involved in the international women’s movement, Jacobs traveled throughout the world speaking about women’s issues and documenting the socioeconomic and political status of women. After her graduation, she contributed to her education by observing women physicians at various London hospitals, including the Great Ormond Street Hospital, London School of Medicine for Women, and New Hospital for Women, where she met Elizabeth Garrett Anderson, the first woman medical practitioner in England, and her sister, Millicent Garrett Fawcett. Both women were deeply involved in the fight for women’s suffrage, as well as other social issues, including birth control.
More on Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aletta_Jacobs
Address: Aletta Jacobsstraat, 7311 TL Apeldoorn, Netherlands