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Street named after Angèle-Martínez-Koulikoff (Saint-Denis, France)

    Angèle Martínez (b. Saint-Denis, France, 1919 – d. 2004) was born to Spanish parents from the province of Santander. In 1936, she joined the Jeunes filles de France organization, and actively militated in solidarity with Republican Spain, for which her older brother was fighting. She was arrested on September 28, 1941 by the Gestapo and imprisoned at the Santé prison until 1942. Classified as « Nacht und Nebel », she was transferred to Germany at the end of May 1942, together with other young communist activists from the Plaine-Saint-Denis, and detained in various prisons and fortresses while awaiting trial (Prüm, Cologne, Breslau). There, she continued to take part in various resistance and sabotage actions. Deported to the Ravensbrück camp in 1944 and then to Mauthausen in 1945, she survived tuberculosis thanks to the solidarity of some of her Spanish fellow detainees. She was repatriated to France in 1945.

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    Address: Rue Angèle-Martínez-Koulikoff, Saint-Denis, France