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Street named after Anna Politkovskaya (Tbilisi, Georgia)

    Anna Politkovskaya née Hanna Mazepa (b. NY City, USA, 1958  – d. 2006, Moscow, Russia) was a Russian Journalist and Human Rights Activist, known for her alternative coverage of the war in Chechnya (1999-2005), events in the North Caucasus and for her sharp criticism of  the President of Russia. She graduated from Moscow State University and married fellow student Alexander Politkovsky. In 1990 she was granted Russian citizenship. She worked for several famous Russian newspapers and published numerous books on Chechnya and was awarded several prizes e.g. the Golden Pen of Russia, Her most influential work was Putin’s Russia, in which she expressed her view about Putin’s regime and criticized FSB. Anna Politkovskaya was killed in her apartment in Moscow on 7 October, 2006 – Putin’s birthday. Up today no one has been sentenced for her killing.

    More on Wikipedia.

    Address: Anna Politkovskaya str.5 Tbilisi, Georgia 0186