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Street named after Berthe Warret (Rouvroy, France)

    Berthe Warret (b. Barly, France, 1904 – d. 1944, Berlin, Germany) was a French Resistance fighter. A liaison officer for the FTP, she was arrested, tortured and executed. She never spoke. Berthe Warret was accused of « complicity with the Bolshevik revolution », locked up in St. Nicaise prison in Arras, isolated and forbidden to receive parcels or visits, then transferred first to Saint Gilles prison in Brussels and then to Cottbus in 1944. She was then taken to a Berlin’s women’s prison, Charlottenburg. She was posthumously made Chevalier de la Légion d’honneur, as a former soldier in the Interior French Forces. She was also posthumously given the French Resistance Medal.

    More on Wikipedia.

    Address: Rue Berthe Warret, 62320 Rouvroy