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Street named after Ilse losa (Porto, Portugal)

    Ilse Lieblich Losa (b. Buer, Melle, Germany, 1913 – d. 2006, Porto, Portugal) was a Portuguese writer and translator of Jewish origin. She went to England in 1930 for a year, where she worked as an au pair. There, she had her first contacts with children’s schools and children’s problems, which would influence her later writing career. Upon her return to Germany, she found her family to be increasingly the target of anti-Semitic attacks. Threatened by the Gestapo with being sent to a concentration camp, she made the decision with her mother to leave Germany, arriving by boat in Portugal in 1934 and settling in the city of Porto, where her brother Fritz was already living. In 1949, she published her first book, which told of her childhood, adolescence, and youth, until the time she left Germany. The Holocaust features strongly in this work, as it does in several of her novels. She was the only writer in Portugal to really address the Holocaust.

    More on Wikipedia.

    Address: R. Ilse Losa, 4350-414 Porto, Portugal