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Street named after Maria Casarès (Villeurbanne, France)

    María Casares (b. La Coruña, Spain, 1922 – d. 1996, Alloue, France) was a distinguished Spanish-French actress. Renowned for her remarkable talent and stage presence, she became a prominent figure in European theater and cinema. Casares, the daughter of the Spanish Republican politician Santiago Casares Quiroga, fled to France during the Spanish Civil War and later became a French citizen. She forged a successful career on the stage, collaborating extensively with playwright and philosopher Jean- Paul Sartre and performing in plays like « No Exit. » In addition to her theatrical achievements, María Casares also appeared in several films, including works by notable directors such as Jean Cocteau. Her career spanned several decades, leaving an enduring legacy in French and international theater and film.

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    Address: Rue Maria Casares, 69100 Villeurbanne, France