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Street named after Natalie of Serbia (Belgrade, Serbia)

    Queen Natalie of Serbia (b. Florence, Italy, 1859 – d. 1941, Saint Denis, France) was born in Florence, Italy. She met Serbian prince Milan Obrenović at a ball in Vienna and they married in 1875 in Belgrade. However, due to their political differences and Milan’s numerous extramarital affairs, their marriage was not a happy one. The Queen – accompanied by her son, Crown Prince Alexander – left Serbia and settled in the Russian Crimea in May 1887. Milan returned to Belgrade in 1884 and Natalie followed a year later. After the coup in which Aleksandar and Draga were murdered (1903), she, as the only living member of the dynasty, donated the inheritance to the University of Belgrade and various monasteries and churches.

    More on Wikipedia.

    Address: Kraljice Natalije, Belgrade