Georgios Kazamias, b. 1964, Thesssaloniki, Greece. BA 1987 (Thessaloniki, Greece), PhD 1990 (Bradford, UK) is currently (2021) Associate Professor in Modern European History in the Department of History and Archaeology, University of Cyprus. His research interests include Europeanisation, the history of the international relations of Greece and SE Europe (particularly in the second half of the 20th c.), Economic History of Cyprus (1878-1960), micro-history and oral history, digitisation of archives. His teaching interests include European History since the French Revolution until the 1990s.
He was elected Dean of the School of Letters, University of Cyprus, 2011-2014. The two new books he has written are forthcoming in 2021: G. Kazamias, Η Ελλάδα και ο πόλεμος της Κορέας (Greece and the Korean War), Athens (Hestia Publishers), 2021 and G. Kazamias, Η τουρκική εισβολή του 1974 και ο ξεριζωμός των Κερυνειωτών μέσα από τοΑρχείο Προφορικής Παράδοσης του Κέντρου Επιστημονικών Ερευνών (Τhe Turkish Invasion of 1974 and the uprooting of the Greek inhabitants in the region of Keryneia through the Oral History Archive of the Centre for Scientific Research), Nicosia (Centre for Scientific Research), 2021/2.
Georgios Kazamias is currently directing the research project « The Cost of Living in Colonial Cyprus, 1878-1960 » (with Prof. S. Clerides and Dr. M. Panayiotou, funded by the Leventis Foundation, duration 1/7/2019-30/6/2021). He participates in COST Action OC-2019-1-23859, Women on the Move. He is the representative from Cyprus, country representative in the Management Committee of this Action and member of the Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSM) Committee.
Visit Georgios Kazamias’s institution’s website and his institutional webpage.