A philosopher by training, Graham Finlay teaches and studies issues in the political theory and policy of human rights, development and migration in the School of Politics and International Relations, University College Dublin. He is especially interested in the history of political thought and migration, the human rights of migrants, migration policy, the political theory of migration and access to citizenship and the history of political thought. He has acted as PI for UCD for two FP7 projects, FP7 FRAME and FP7 bEUcitizen (2013-2017), contributed to Horizon 2020 project GLOBUS (Reconsidering European Contributions to Global Justice) and is a partner in the TraPoCo (Transnational Political Contention in Europe) Jean Monnet network. In WEMov, he serves as STSM Coordinator. In 2009-2010, he was a Member of the School of Social Sciences in the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton.
Visit Graham Finlay’s institutional webpage and his personal webpage.
Contact Graham Finlay at graham.finlay@ucd.ie
Follow Graham Finlay on Twitter @graham_finlay