Joana Topa holds a PhD in Social Psychology (2013) from the University of Minho (Portugal), with a thesis focusing on female immigration, health and intersectionality. Within the National Psychologists Association, she is specialised in Social Psychology, Educational Psychology and Community Psychology. She is also a specialist recognized by the Portuguese Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality in the areas of gender, violence, equality, migration, domestic violence for her academic and professional profile. Currently she is an Assistant Professor at Social and Behavioural Sciences Department in University Institute of Maia-ISMAI and a researcher at the Interdisciplinary Center for Gender Studies of the Higher Institute of Social and Political Sciences in Lisbon (ISCSP-UL) (Portugal). Author of a book and of several book chapters, and scientific articles, her main research areas focus on gender, migrations, health, gender violence, intersectionality and social inequalities. Simultaneously, she participated in diverse international and national conferences and integrated diverse scientific committees and events organization. At the moment she participates in the transdisciplinary network « Women on the Move » (CA19112), financed within the framework of the European Cooperation in Science and and Technology (COST) and she is a researcher on a GENDER RESEARCH 4 COVID 19 project financed by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology in liaison with the Secretariat of State for Citizenship and Equality and with the support of the Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality. She is actively involved in several Portuguese non-governmental organizations that work with gender, migrations, feminisms and human rights.
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