Prof. Dr. Snjezana Vasiljevic is an Associate professor of European Public Law, Fundamental Rights in the European Union, European Gender equality and Non-Discrimination at University of Zagreb – Faculty of Law. She specialized in European law and human rights at London School of Economics and Political Science, University of Liverpool, Johannes Kepler Univarsität Linz, Columbia University, New York and University of California Los Angeles. She has recently been appointed ad hoc judge at the European Court of Human Rights (2019-2023) and expert member of the Justice Committee of the Croatian Parliament (2021-2023). She works as a national expert for the Fundamental Rights Agency and Council of Europe. She was a leader of the Jean Monnet Module “EU Law and Gender: Making Equality Effective” (2016-2019) and currently works as a academic researcher at the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence « EU Global Leadership in the Rule of Law » (2018-2022) and management board member & researcher – COST « Women on the Move » (2020-2024). She published numerous articles, edited books and book chapters, most notably an authored article entitled “Intersectional Discrimination: Difficulties in Interpretation of European Norm”, in M. Thiel & E. Prugl (eds.), Diversity and European Integration, New York: Macmillan/Palgrave (2009), an authored book Slično i različito: diskriminacija u Europskoj uniji i Republici Hrvatskoj, Zagreb: Tim Press (2011), edited and co-authored book (together with A. Örtenblad, R. Marling) Gender Equality in a Global Perspective, Routledge: New York (2017) and Temeljna prava i zabrana diskriminacije u praksi europskih i nacionalnih sudova, NN: Zagreb (2019). She is fluent in English and German and has a passive knowledge of French.
Visit Snjezana Vasiljevic’s institutional page and her LinkedIn page.
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