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Zhongshan Yue

    Zhongshan Yue is a Professor at the Department of Sociology, Xi’an Jiaotong University. He is Deputy Director of Xi’an Jiaotong University – The Chinese University of Hong Kong Joint Research Center on Migration. His research areas across migration and immigration, migrant integration, urbanization, and social demography. He had been a visiting scholar at the Morrison Institute for Population and Resource Studies, Stanford University. Since 2013, he has worked on migrant integration and related policies with the former Department of Service and Management of Migrant Population, National Health and Family Planning Commission of the People’s Republic of China. He published a book titled Social Integration of Rural-Urban Migrants in China: Current Status, Determinants, and Consequences in 2015. His recent journal publications appear in Urban Studies, Asian Population Studies, Population Research and Policy Review, and Population, Space and Place.

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