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Secondary Sources catalogue

Document TitleType
"Driven" Women: Gendered Moral Economies of Women's Migrant Labor in Postsocialist Europe's PeripheriesThesis-dissertations
(É)migrer vers le “Nouveau Monde” (Australie et Nouvelle-Zélande) : sociétés d’émigration féminines et métropole en Grande-Bretagne (1860-1914)Thesis-dissertations
(In)Visible Lives: A Visual and Participatory Exploration of the Female Migrant Tourism Worker Experience [Principally of Central and E. European Migrants]Thesis-dissertations
50 Jahre türkische Frauenmigration : eine quantitative und qualitative Untersuchung der türkischen Frauen und "Gastarbeiter"-FamilienThesis-dissertations
A Love Marriage?: the Case of Cameroonian Women in South-North Marriage Migration (1999-2007)Thesis-dissertations
African American Domestic Servants in Pittsburgh During the Great DepressionThesis-dissertations
Agency and Subjectivity in the Life-Stories of Migrant Women from Turkey in Britain and in GermanyThesis-dissertations
An Exploratory Study on the Physical Activity and Dietary Behaviours of Iranian Immigrant and Refugee Women in the United KingdomThesis-dissertations
Beyond Surplus, beyond Motherhood: British Migrant Women, 1914-1929Thesis-dissertations
Burden or Empowerment?: The Impact of Migration and Remittances on Women Left Behind in MoroccoThesis-dissertations
Community-Based Theatre as Conflict Transformation in Lampedusa: Co-Producing Knowledge about Life at the Militarised Border of EuropeThesis-dissertations
Conciliação pessoal, familiar e profissional de mulheres imigrantes residentes no distrito de BragaThesis-dissertations
Cuidados de saúde materno-infantis à população imigrante residente em PortugalThesis-dissertations
De la maternité chez des femmes migrantes en erranceThesis-dissertations
De marge en marge, les mobilités au centre du quotidien des femmes « roms »Thesis-dissertations