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Secondary Sources catalogue

Document TitleType
“At This Age, a Moroccan Woman’s Life’s Work is Over”- Older Moroccan-Dutch Migrant Women’s Perceptions of Health and Lifestyle, with a Focus on Ramadan Experiences: Qualitative Research Integrating Education and ConsultationArticles
“Care Drain”. Explaining Bias in Theorizing Women's MigrationArticles
“Everyone with Eyes Can See the Problem”: Moral Citizens and the Space of Irish NationhoodArticles
“No-policy Policy”: Immigrant Women in Poland's Eldercare SectorArticles
“Take Care of the Immigrant Girls”: The Migration Process of Late-Nineteenth-Century Irish WomenArticles
“The Other Half ?” Sources on British Female Emigration at the Fawcett Library, with Special Reference to AustraliaArticles
“The Right Sort of Woman”: Female Emigrators and Emigration to the British Empire, 1890-1910Articles
“They’d Better Really Treat Her Nice”: Gendered Dynamics of Care and Control in Filipina Migrant-Broker Relations in ChileArticles
“Without Natural Protectors”: Female Immigration to Australia, 1832-1836Articles
”férjem naponta kérdezi, hogy megválaszoltam-e már a levelet.” Kitelepített magyarországi német asszonyok leveleiChapters
„To są takie siłaczki”. Aktywizm obywatelski migrantek na przykładzie polskich szkół uzupełniających"Articles
„Слугинският въпрос“ в големите български градове (30-те – 40-те години на ХХ век).Chapters
«Унесённые ветром»: постсоветское поколение украинских женщин-мигрантокArticles
(É)migrer vers le “Nouveau Monde” (Australie et Nouvelle-Zélande) : sociétés d’émigration féminines et métropole en Grande-Bretagne (1860-1914)Thesis-dissertations
(Im)migrant Women’s Work in France and Brazil: Towards Social Recognition and Social JusticeChapters
(In)Visible Lives: A Visual and Participatory Exploration of the Female Migrant Tourism Worker Experience [Principally of Central and E. European Migrants]Thesis-dissertations
(Re)Negotiating Cultural And Work Identities Pre And Post-Migration: Malaysian Migrant Women In AustraliaChapters
12 janvier 1863: la ruée vers l'or d'épouses britanniquesChapters
50 Jahre türkische Frauenmigration : eine quantitative und qualitative Untersuchung der türkischen Frauen und "Gastarbeiter"-FamilienThesis-dissertations