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Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal | Portugal National Library (Lisbon, Portugal) Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal

    Sample collection on women migrants at The Portugal National Library below

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    Collection title: Espólio Maria Lamas | Maria Lamas’s Estate (Portugal – France, 1920s-1970s)

    Description: The collection, comprising 79 boxes, contains a significant amount of letters to and from Maria Lamas, manuscripts, a vast photographic archive, printed matter, biographical documents, and manuscripts by third parties. Maria Lamas was a Portuguese writer and political feminist activist who fled repression to Paris, France, in 1949.

    Archive address: Campo Grande 83, 1749-081 Lisbon, Portugal

    Reference number: BN Esp. E28

    Links: Visit the archive’s website, access the catalogue HERE and the collection HERE.

    Contributor: Sónia Ferreira