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Zgodovinski arhiv Ljubljana | Historical Archives of Ljubljana (Ljubljana, Slovenia)Zgodovinski arhiv Ljubljana

    Sample collection on women migrants at the Historical Archives of Ljubljana below

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    Collection title: Izseljevanje in povratniki, 1883-1941 | Emigration and Returnees  (Slovenia, USA, Denmark, Uruguay, Russia, 1883-1941)

    Description: The collection contains documents on emigration, including a compilation of documents from 1918, 1936-1941; Emigration to America from 1934-1940; Emigration letters to America, Denmark (1908), Uruguay (1931) from 1924-1925; Nationalities from 1909, 1927-1940; TE 287: Returnees from 1924-1941; Return statistics from European countries from 1932-1940; Migration from 1924-1938; Russian Emigrants from 1921-1940. Documents include data on both men and women.

    Archive address: Trdinova ulica 4, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija

    Reference number: SI_ZAL_NME/0003/013/003/00003

    Links: Visit the archive’s website, access the catalogue HERE and the collection HERE.

    Contributor: Tatjana Šarić