Document Title | Statistical Society |
Data and indicators on emigrants and new citizens | Italian National Institute of Statistics |
Declarations on entrusting work to a foreigner entered into the declaration registry | Statistics Poland |
Emigration for permanent residence by sex and country of citizenship of emigrants | Statistics Poland |
Employment by reason for discrimination in the current job, sex, age, migration status and professional status | EIGE |
Employment situation for migrants | Statistics Austria |
European Union citizens who received certificate of registration of EU citizen’s residence in Poland by sex and citizenship | Statistics Poland |
European Union citizens who received document certifying the right for permanent residence in Poland | Statistics Poland |
EUROSTAT (2022). Foreign-born population by sex, age, the main reason for migrating, country of birth and educational attainment level. | Eurostat |
Exploratory analysis of the foreign population living in Portugal, based on the results of the – Census 2021 – XVI General Census of Population. VI General Census of Housing -. | National Institute of Statistics |
Family members of the European Union citizens who received a residence card of the EU family member | Statistics Poland |
Foreigners who applied for international protection in Poland by citizenship | Statistics Poland |
Immigration for permanent residence by citizenship, sex and country of birth of immigrants | Statistics Poland |
Immigration report, borders and asylum | SEF/GEPF |
Migration of the population of the Republic of Croatia | State Bureau of Statistics |
Number of women with migration background in Germany by age | Statista |
Permanent Immigrants: total and by sex | PORDATA. Statistics about Portugal and Europe |
Persons at the age of 15 and more who arrived from abroad registered for temporary stay above 3 months by sex, age and maritak status in 2021 | Statistics Poland |
Population temporarily absent above 6 months due to departure abroad by sex and selected countries | Statistics Poland |
Publications: Census of Population and Housing 2021: Final Report: Population, migration and other social characteristics | National Statistics Office Malta |