Primary sources catalogue
Document Title | Archive |
Arendal Police Station – 1 | The National Archives of Norway |
Bergen Police Station / Police District | The National Archives of Norway |
Emigrant records of the Oslo Police, 1867–1966 | Regional State Archives in Oslo |
Kråkstad prestekontor parish registers, 1893-1931 | National Archives and Regional State Archives of Oslo |
Letters to and from Nini Roll Anker | National Library of Norway |
Letters to, from and about Sigrid Undset and her family | National Library of Norway |
Ragnhild Haakon and Erling Lorentzen. In Copacabana, Rio. Photo taken in connection with a report in Billedbladet NÅ, 1956. | National Archives and Regional State Archives of Oslo |
Sigrid Undset Archives | National Library of Norway |