Document Title | Statistical Society |
European Union citizens who received certificate of registration of EU citizen’s residence in Poland by sex and citizenship | Statistics Poland |
European Union citizens who received document certifying the right for permanent residence in Poland | Statistics Poland |
EUROSTAT (2022). Foreign-born population by sex, age, the main reason for migrating, country of birth and educational attainment level. | Eurostat |
EUROSTAT (2022). Immigration by age group, sex and citizenship, country of birth, country of previous residence | Eurostat |
Exploratory analysis of the foreign population living in Portugal, based on the results of the – Census 2021 – XVI General Census of Population. VI General Census of Housing -. | National Institute of Statistics |
External migration – immigrants: by citizenship, sex, and age groups | Czech Statistical Office |
External migration balance by province, year, sex, age group and nationality (Spanish/foreign) | Statitiscs National Institute |
External migration by sex and citizenship | Statistics Iceland |
External migration by sex, age and citizenship | Statistics Iceland |
Families of Poles in the Netherlands (FPN) Survey | Families in Context project |
Family members of the European Union citizens who received a residence card of the EU family member | Statistics Poland |
Female international migration in Bulgaria | National statistic Intitute |
Finnish Immigration Service, request of data for scientific research | Finnish immigration service |
First instance decisions on applications by citizenship, age and sex – annual aggregated data | Eurostat |
First permits by reason, age, sex and citizenship | Eurostat |
Foreign citizens displaced at the state border of Georgia Border crossing statistics by gender and age | Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia |
Foreign nationals in employment with respect to broad nationality group, sex, industry sector, year | Central Statistics Office |
Foreign population acquiring Portuguese nationality | National Institute of Statistics |
Foreign population by nationality, comunidad (province), sex and year | National Statistics Institute |
Foreign resident population | State Secretariat for Migration SEM |