Document Title | Statistical Society |
Number and distribution of foreign citizens residing in Hungary by sex | Hungarian Central Statistical Office |
Number and distribution of immigrant foreign nationals by sex | Hungarian Central Statistical Office |
Number of victims registered by the police, NGOs and other agencies disaggregated by sex and age (adult/minor) | European Institute for Gender Equality |
Number of women with migration background in Germany by age | Statista |
People who applied for refugee status in Poland | Office for Foreigners |
People who submitted an application for international protection in Poland | Office for Foreigners |
Permanent emigrants by sex, macroregions,development regions and counties of departure | Romania s National Institute of Statistics |
Permanent immigrants by sex, macroregions, development regions and counties of arrival | Romania s National Institute of Statistics |
Permanent Immigrants: total and by sex | PORDATA. Statistics about Portugal and Europe |
Persons at the age of 15 and more who arrived from abroad registered for temporary stay above 3 months by sex, age and maritak status in 2021 | Statistics Poland |
Population by origin, sex and district | City of Vienna |
Population temporarily absent above 6 months due to departure abroad by sex and selected countries | Statistics Poland |
Population usually resident and present in the state 2011 to 2016 with respect to principal economic status, sex, nationality, year | Central Statistics Office |
Profile of Portuguese emigrants in the European labour market | National Institute of Statistics |
Publications: Census of Population and Housing 2021: Final Report: Population, migration and other social characteristics | National Statistics Office Malta |
Refugee arrivals by sea irregular migrationby gender | UNHCR |
Refugee women in Germany: language, education and employment | Federal office of migration and refugees |
Regular immigration | Ministry of the Interior |
Sex Work in Europe: A mapping of the prostitution scene in 25 European countries | TAMPEP European Network for HIV/STI Prevention and Health Promotion among Migrant Sex workers |
Share of first-time male and female asylum applicants in Germany in 2022, by age | Statista |