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Announcements – Newsletter 5

    1. Women on the Move – a new book series  


    Manchester University Press has launched a new series, Women on the Move, a transdisciplinary series on gender and migration. The series focuses on unveiling the presence and multiplicity of experiences of women in migration processes. It bridges the gap between historical and contemporary approaches, and aims to publish books on women’s migration from a wide variety of perspectives, time frames and geographical outlooks, with a combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches. The books published in the series seek to deconstruct the sexist stereotypes that have marked the history of migration by revealing both women migrants’ agency and resources, as well as their vulnerabilities and the challenges faced in past and present experiences of migration. The interplay between gender and migration at the core of the series invites authors to develop multifactorial perspectives of women’s migration and to disclose how gender shapes migration and how migration shapes gender.  

    Series editors: 

    The publisher and its series editors are inviting book proposals for monographs and edited volumes, and we would be grateful if you could forward this announcement to the members of your learned society: 

    • From a broad range of fields in the humanities and social sciences, including: History, Politics, Philosophy, Anthropology and Ethnology, Sociology, Law, Geography, and Art History.  
    • Accessibly written for an international, academic audience.  
    • From diverse perspectives, under-represented scholars, and established and early-career researchers.  
    • Between 80–100,000 words.  

    Information about the series and about submitting a proposal are available on the Manchester University Press’ website.  

    2. The Schwarzenbach Effect – edited by Francesca Falk 


    Francesca Falk from WG2, together with students from the University of Bern, has written a book that might also be of interest to some of our network: Der Schwarzenbacheffekt. Wenn Abstimmungen Menschen traumatisieren und politisieren 

    In 1970, the so-called Schwarzenbach Initiative was only narrowly rejected in Switzerland by the male Swiss voters (at that time, women were not yet entitled to vote in Switzerland). It was the prelude to a series of initiatives that have continued to this day and traumatised generations of people with migration histories. In this book, contemporary witnesses tell us of their precarious living conditions, children left behind, discrimination and exclusion, but also of friendship and resistance. Many of these witnesses were politicised by the initiative and moved to a commitment that continues to shape social life in Switzerland today. 

    Edited and with an introduction by Francesca Falk. With the collaboration of students at the University of Bern. With a contribution by Cenk Akdoganbulut. Photographs by Michael Züger. Literary-biographical texts by Melinda Nadj Abonji and Jelica Popović expand the portrayal of migrant experiences with two younger voices. In the epilogue, Fatima Moumouni deals with the current migration debate and racism in Switzerland.  

    3. Poster presentation at 2022 MCAA Annual Conference and General Assembly 

    Maria Bostenaru Dan (from WG2) and Roxana Mihaly presented their poster at 2022 MCAA Annual Conference and General Assembly on March 26, 2022 in Lisboan Portugal. The Women on the Move was featured as Maria’s engagement at a prize win on the 19th of April. 

    Maria Bostenaru Dan, Mirela Adriana Anghelache, Roxana Mihaly: “Working life in Europe: women in geosciences” Poster at the 2022 Marie Curie Alumni Association Annual Conference « Sustainability and the post-pandemic workplace », Lisbon, Portugal, 26-27 March 2022, social sciences section  

    GEDi group of the MCAA featured above named poster award as well. It was awarded in Romania by the League of Romanian Students Abroad, awarded to who has spent at least one learning cycle abroad and returned to Romania. Maria has an integrated master and bachelor from Germany and a postdoc in Italy, both in architecture. There were two finalists and both were awarded the prize. 

    4. Hungarian translation of the book about Giséle Halimi’s life – a connection with our Landmark Map 

    Hungarian translations of the French book about Giséle Halimi’s life were published in April by the publishing house of the Institute of Political History (Hungary, Budapest). Giséle Halimi was a Tunisian-French lawyer, feminist, and essayist, and a French school named after her is on our Landmark map. The same member of Hungarian Women’s Lobby, Borbála Juhász has launched the book in the French Institute of Budapest, who participated on WEMov’s first Stakeholder meeting in September 2021 in Budapest. WEMov’s Landmark Map is linked on the website of the book


    5. Making Ukraine – The first comprehensive account of the making of Ukraine’s borders during the twentieth century 

    Nicoleta Roman (from WG3) recommended the following book, which may be of interest to the network: 

    Olena Palko, Constantin Ardeleanu (eds.), Making Ukraine. Negotiating, Contesting, and Drawing the Borders in the Twentieth Century, McGill-Queen’s University Press, Montreal, 2022. 

    The book aims to investigate the various processes of negotiation, delineation, and contestation that have shaped the country’s borders throughout the past century. Through its broad geographic and thematic coverage, Making Ukraine illustrates that the dynamics of contemporary border formation cannot be fully understood through the lens of a sole state, frontier, or ideology and sheds light on the shared history of territory and state formation in Europe and the wider modern world. 


    6. Workshop in Padua

    WG3 co-leaders Beatrice Zucca and Nicoleta Roman, as well as WG1 member Andrea Caracausi, are the organisers of the international workshop West meets East: mobility of people, exchange of knowledge. Female migration in Europe from the sixteenth to the twenty-first century, to take place at the University of Padua on 23-24 June 2022. Please find the programme here.

    7. Map of walking tour

    WG2 leader Veronika Capska has created our first walking tour map in Prague, available here. ​