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Primary sources catalogue

Document TitleArchive
“Soviet Latvia” No. 4Latvian State Archives of Audiovisual Documents 
Alma Karlin: a lonely journeyArchives of Republic of Slovenia
Asian Voices Oral History Project ArchiveHeritage Quay, University of Huddersfield
Audio-video recordings of female Spanish immigrants in FranceLibrary of modern studies
Black, migrant and refugee womenAtria, Institute on Gender Equality and Women’s History
Collection of Croatian short filmsCroatian State Archives
Collection of Elza Grilborcer-FonovaGeorgian-German Digital Archive
Collection of Goethe Institute – TbilisiGeorgian-German Digital Archive
Collection of Lia KhundadzeGeorgian-German Digital Archive
Deportation in 1941Estonian National Museum
Emigrants’ ArchiveEmigration Museum w Gdyni
Estonians in Australia: Adelaide, Melbourne, Canberra, SidneyEstonian National Museum
Estonians in Canada: Toronto, VancouverEstonian National Museum
Estonians in GothenburgEstonian National Museum
Estonians in StockholmEstonian National Museum
Estonians in the Republic of South AfricaEstonian National Museum
Estonians in the US: New York, Los AngelesEstonian National Museum
Fieldwork materials on the topic « Bulgarian Emigration in Great Britain » »Archives of IEFSEM BAS
Fieldwork materials on the topic « Bulgarian Emigration in Great Britain » »Archives of IEFSEM BAS
Fieldwork materials on the topic « Bulgarian Emigration in Great Britain » »Archives of IEFSEM BAS