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Primary sources catalogue

Document TitleArchive
Anna Freud’s archiveFreud Museum Hampstead, London NW3 5SX
Árni Magnússon’s lettersThe Arnamagnæan Institute
Collection Katinas PapaNational Library of Greece
Diringshofen, Margarethe von, 1965 (approx.)-1979 (approx.) (stock)Munich State Archives
Doreen Canaday Spitzer PapersAmerican School of Classical Studies Athens
Dorothea Oschinsky: Doctoral Thesis and PapersCambridge University Library
Drewerk, Frieda (ps. : Morn, Reed) (1898 – 1978) – writerEstonian Literary Museum
Elli Alexiou PapersGreek Literature Historical Archive (ELIA), Thessaloniki
Epistolary correspondence of Parisi Aurelia in BonfantiTrentino Historical Museum
Eugenia Mielnicka’s stay in a hospital in Teheran, first from the right is Zofia MielnickaThe KARTA Center Foundation Archive
Folklore Collection of Torfhildur Þorsteinsdóttir HólmNational and University Library of Iceland
Haava, Anna (real name.: Haavakivi, A.) (1864 – 1957) – writer, translatorEstonian Literary Museum
Ida Thallon Hill PapersAmerican School of Classical Studies Athens
Iris Meder ArchiveAustrian Society for Architecture
Irma Linham collectionCentral Zionist Archive
Margarita Liberaki PapersAmerican School of Classical Studies in Athens
Maria Lamas EstatePortugal National Library
Maria Lamas’s CorrespondenceMadeira Archive and Library
Persefonis Papadopoulou CollectionFoivos Stavrides Foundation
Reports of witnesses to historyCenter for Documentation of Deportations, Expulsions and Resettlement