Document Title | Archive |
Anna Freud’s archive | Freud Museum
Hampstead, London NW3 5SX |
Árni Magnússon’s letters | The Arnamagnæan Institute |
Collection Katinas Papa | National Library of Greece |
Diringshofen, Margarethe von, 1965 (approx.)-1979 (approx.) (stock) | Munich State Archives |
Doreen Canaday Spitzer Papers | American School of Classical Studies Athens |
Dorothea Oschinsky: Doctoral Thesis and Papers | Cambridge University Library |
Drewerk, Frieda (ps. : Morn, Reed) (1898 – 1978) – writer | Estonian Literary Museum |
Elli Alexiou Papers | Greek Literature Historical Archive (ELIA), Thessaloniki |
Epistolary correspondence of Parisi Aurelia in Bonfanti | Trentino Historical Museum |
Eugenia Mielnicka’s stay in a hospital in Teheran, first from the right is Zofia Mielnicka | The KARTA Center Foundation Archive |
Folklore Collection of Torfhildur Þorsteinsdóttir Hólm | National and University Library of Iceland |
Haava, Anna (real name.: Haavakivi, A.) (1864 – 1957) – writer, translator | Estonian Literary Museum |
Ida Thallon Hill Papers | American School of Classical Studies Athens |
Iris Meder Archive | Austrian Society for Architecture |
Irma Linham collection | Central Zionist Archive |
Margarita Liberaki Papers | American School of Classical Studies in Athens |
Maria Lamas Estate | Portugal National Library |
Maria Lamas’s Correspondence | Madeira Archive and Library |
Persefonis Papadopoulou Collection | Foivos Stavrides Foundation |
Reports of witnesses to history | Center for Documentation of Deportations, Expulsions and Resettlement |