Catalogue of Women Migrants’ Landmarks
Title | Country |
Bust of Angelica Kauffmann | Austria |
Bust of Germaine de Staël | Switzerland |
Bust of Sophie Rostopchine | France |
Exhibition Katharina Lins and 200 years of Sisters of Charity in Zams | Austria |
Faountain named after MIhrishah Valide Sultan | Turkey |
Foundation in memorial of Maria Cosway | Italy |
Mausoleum named after Nakşidil Valide Sultan | Turkey |
Memorial plaque of Katharina Lins / Sr. Josepha Nikolina | Austria |
Museum in memorial of Angelica Kauffmann | Austria |
Museum named after Madame Tussauds | United Kingdom |
Museum of the Countess of Ségur | France |
Plaque of Comtesse de Ségur | France |
Plaque to Anna Maria Tussaud | United Kingdom |
Plaque to Anna Maria Tussaud | United Kingdom |
Plaque to Frances Burney | United Kingdom |
School named after Katharina Lins | Austria |
School named after Madame de Staël | Switzerland |
School named after the Countess of Ségur | France |
School named after the Countess of Ségur | France |
Statue of Modeste Testas | France |