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Primary sources catalogue

Document TitleArchive
30 letters to Povilas VišinskisVilnius University Library
46 piecesVilnius University Library
Anna BayerováArchive of the National Museum
Anna Freud’s archiveFreud Museum Hampstead, London NW3 5SX
Archive of Lillemor AndersénThe Swedish Emigrant Institute
Archive of Maria Mihalitsanou-KerasotiGreek Literature Historical Archive (ELIA) Thessaloniki
Augusta Holmès Archival FondsMuseum of the Society of Authors, Compositors, and Publishers
Autograph album of Marie MarimonNational Library of France, Department of Music
Berlin resident registerState archives Berlin
Census Returns of England and Wales, 1911. Kew, Surrey, England: The National Archives of the UK (TNA), 1911.The National Archives
China Inland Mission ArchiveSchool of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) Archives, University of London
Collection of Harry AugstThe Georgian-German Archive
Collection of writer Lydia Koidula (1843-1886)Estonian Literary Museum
Committee for the Assistance and Protection of Immigrant Women Employed in AgricultureIndre-et-Loire Departmental Archives
Correspondence of the secretariat of the Chemical Section of the 9th Congress of Polish Doctors and Naturalists in Krakow, 1900Jagiellonian Library
Correspondence of Torfhildur Þorsteinsdóttir HólmNational and University Library of Iceland
Curie, Marie (1867-1934). Pierre and Marie Curie PapersBNF Richelieu
Customs Records CollectionNational Archives of Malta
Dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Lesya Ukrainka. Documentary exhibition. The State Archives Service of Ukraine presents 321 documents from 11 state archivesState Archival Service of Ukraine
Demographic MobilityNational archives tomb tower